Sometimes a good calendar can help you plan things out a bit. Feel free to you this checklist each year as you prepare for the college search.
Parents and students should determine if the student-athlete will be attending college after high school.
Family financial planning for college should already be initiated and a savings account for college established.
If no college savings account established, START NOW!!
Student-athletes should get acclimated to high school studies and athletics.
Athletics should be competitive but more importantly FUN.
Stay in close contact with academic counselors, teaches and coaches.
Enjoy summer vacation. Attempt to save some money for college.
Take appropriate college prep classes.
Stay in contact with academic counselors, teaches and coaches.
Take the college prep test: PSAT or Pre ACT exams.
Determine if student-athlete wants to compete in college.
Diversify interest and commit to other activities.
Start researching different colleges and keep files on attractive schools.
Fall semester make WISH LIST of schools you like.
Take ACT and/or SAT exams.
Visit attractive schools with parents.
Visit schools where older friends & family may attend.
Attend college open houses in your area.
Talk to your teaches, counselors and coaches about schools.
Start thinking about what college major you may like.
Try to attend collegiate track/xc meets to see the level of competition.
Discuss financial situation with parents.
Commit yourself to your sport this year if you want to run in college (most important year for running in high school).
Try to extend your season as long as possible in the summer in order to post some good marks (USATF or AAU meets).
July 1st (before senior year) college coaches may contact you directly or you may contact the college coach. Prior to this date, no direct contact between athlete and coach may take place.
Start requesting applications from potential schools.
Take ACT or SAT exams if necessary.
Start developing your resume and college essays (why a college should select you into their institution).
Determine what type of school you envision yourself attending (public, private, big, small, country, suburb or city).
Talk to friends, family and peers regarding all different schools.
Remain in close contact with teachers, counselors and coaches.
Have your coach make contact with schools for you.
Make unofficial and official college visits (official visits are when the college pays for your trip; only allowed FIVE official visits).
Early admissions deadlines are typically in October or November.
Start preparing applications.
Obtain Financial Aid Forms (FAF) from counselors deadline typically January 1st.)
Regular admission deadline is typically January to February.
Try to narrow down school selection to no more than ten schools.
Keep copies of ALL applications you sent to schools.
Send your applications to schools certified mail (this gives you a date received by college).
Attempt to apply on line. This may be less money than regular mail.
Once accepted to schools, make final decision with family and coaches. If scholarship athlete review offer with coach and parents.
Keep original acceptance document and scholarship offers in secure place.
Graduate High School.
Enjoy your last summer before school and get a part time job to earn money for school.